This curious object was
photographed by my father in the late 1980s in the museum of Samos,
Greece. Unfortunately the photos are not particularly in focus, because
my father had to take them in secret. It was strictly forbidden to take
photographs in the museum. He used a second the guards didn't pay
attention to take the two photographs on the left.
The object is about 20cm long. There are two human
like figures with helmets sitting on some kind of machine. The two
figures have slightly elongated heads. The left figure is holding some
kind of monitor or screen that seems to rest on a board which is
wrapped around the hips.
On the right side of the object
is another figure. Unfortunately both arms are broken off. On the far
right end of the object is a stylized bulls head. But nothing else of
the object are from a bull. No legs, no torso. In my opinion the bulls
head symbolizeds the power in the machine.
Around the budging middle of the obejct are
stilized birds (Three, one on top, two on the sides.) Are the birds a
symbol to say the machine was flying? Ironically the plexiglass socket
that the objects sits on vanished because of the lack of focus in the
photo. Maybe this forgotten piece of ancient technology should be
displayed hovering....